
I kind of want to go to law school...

As those of you who've been frequent blog readers know, this summer I was doing a bit thinking about my life, career goals, and the most effective way I can make the world a slightly happier, less ecocidal place. The main result of that was me deciding to double minor in biology and chemistry (hello, three labs per semester until I graduate).

But now I'm also thinking about law school. I don't really want to be a lawyer. I hate wearing heels. I couldn't make my hair behave if my life depended on it. My experiences with Junior State of America (a political club I was involved with in high school) led me to believe that highly motivated, politically inclined white people are not who I get along best with (nevermind that I fit into that category pretty snugly). Yet in spite of all this, I kind of want to go to law school.

First of all, I'm a little crazy. Or so my friends tell me. This spring, I've signed up for three lab science classes, a 300-level politics class (which a friend of mine said he pulled all-nighters for every week), two PE classes, a regional geology seminar, an independent study course. Plus I'll be co-news editor of Whitman's newspaper, volunteering weekly at the food co-op in Walla Walla, working at Safeway and teaching a climbing class. Law school would be a godsend for the overachiever in me, the part of me that always wants more to read, more questions to answer, more information to learn.

And, I want to change the world. I want to fix stuff. I want to get angry and yell at the people in power and have someone listen. Even if I never practice in court, I'll be a better activist if I understand the National Environmental Policy Act thoroughly. I'll be better equipped to help people if I know immigration law, welfare law, food stamps law, and all the rest. There are a lot of good reasons not to go to law school, and a lot of other things I could do. But still, I kind of want to go to law school...

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