
Desert Playground

This entry is part of my journal from Semester in the West. For all SITW journal entries, click here. For all SITW posts, including blog posts I wrote while on the program, click here. To learn more about the program, click here.

camp: Green River, Utah

Desert Playground

looking over the rim of a red rock canyon
trying to walk quietly
pretending to be 10,000 years old
stormy skies threatening downpour
orange water gathered in pools
the slickrock transformed into a slide
funnels down to mudflats
punctuated by a thing line of four-toed tracks
coyote ghosts

the storm when it hits with nowhere to go
curl on a rock ledge, hide from falling water
get up to follow the rain traversing ground
clothes are wet and loud
take them off, walk barefoot through mud
feet following this morning’s coyote
the rain stops
stand naked in the desert
and the slickrock smooths your feet

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