This post has been a long time coming, but there’s something I’ve
finally decided I need to say.
I’m not straight.
I’ve known this for at least a few months, and probably really the
better part of a year, but I was afraid to say it. I was afraid because I wasn’t
positive, and I felt like declaring that you’re not straight isn’t something
you can take back. Heterosexuality is the default; as soon as you step outside the
safe realm of straightness, you can’t walk back across the line so easily.
And also, I was afraid because I felt like I hadn’t earned it. Many of
my LGBTQ friends went through long processes of self-discovery. Some spent years
trying to hide their identities or convince themselves that they weren’t “other.”
Most had to deal with dating people of the same gender in high school and were
subject to scrutiny from peers and parents. Many of them had supportive
families and friends, but there was still a level of self-awareness and
struggle that I didn’t feel I could compare to.
I’ve always dated guys, keeping my crushes on female friends under
wraps until after we’d all graduated from high school. Over the years, I’ve
fallen in love with women about as often as I’ve had a boyfriend, but something
about my desire seemed fundamentally different. There wasn’t anything sexual
about it; it was all about admiration and devotion. My crushes on women tapered
off as I got my first serious boyfriends in high school, and I laid the thought
of same-sex attraction to rest.
But after two years of long-distance college relationship, I found
myself single again. Faced with the prospect of dating and hooking up, I
started thinking vaguely about women again. I told myself that in the right
state of mind (slightly intoxicated, somewhat horny), I could see myself
hooking up with someone who wasn’t a guy. But this was all theoretical, until I
actually tried it a few months ago. And I liked it. A lot.
Since then, I’ve opened myself up to the idea of desiring women, of not
discriminating based on gender when I’m attracted to someone. And lo and
behold, that voice in the back of my head telling me to reconsider has only
gotten stronger.
Still, I didn’t want to label myself. How could I say I was queer when
I hadn’t actually slept with or dated anyone who wasn’t male? On the other
hand, denying this part of myself seemed like lying, not to mention furthering
the invisibility of the substantial non-straight contingent of people in the
world. I lamented this to my friends, many of whom are LGBTQ. After agonizing
over my options for a few minutes, one of my best friends, who’s also gay, interrupted
“Rachel, our tent is small enough as it is. You’re an awesome person,
and we’d love to have the company.”
I began to speak openly about my experiences with women. Because I go
to a liberal arts college in Washington State, no one really batted an eye. I
thought about coming out, but it seemed contrived. I wasn’t sure how to label
myself—bisexual reinforces the idea of a gender binary, and queer seemed
inaccurate given my limited experience. It’s the closest thing I have, but I
ultimately decided that even coming out as “not-straight” was worth doing. So
here we are.
I have benefitted from and will continue to benefit from straight
privilege. Most of the relationships in my life will likely be with men,
because I’m more on that side of the spectrum and because it’s what I’m used
to. I have the option of folding myself back into the niche that society wants
to carve out for me, and to do so wouldn’t be impossibly difficult. I could
forget about this whole queer thing.
But I don’t want to. I know many LGBTQ activists have staked claims on
the fact that their sexuality wasn’t a choice, and that science has suggested
some portion of our orientations might be coded in our genes. I’m declaring the
opposite. I’m choosing to be this way, because it makes me happy. I don’t know
where I’ll end up, what experiences the world has in store for me. But I know
that I’ll live better for keeping that door open.
Welcome aboard!
All the best Rachel!! :-)
Great job giving a fresh perspective on this topic. This is interesting to read exactly *because* you haven't had the dramatic, harrowed coming-out story that so many do. Keep rejecting the binary :)
- Lorraine
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