
From above the canopy

Tonight I stand on the edge of a thousand universes knowing nothing on earth can touch me. Tonight I run naked through the forest, grateful that the snakes and jaguars allow me to continue my fantasy where I am dominant in a land I do not know. Tonight I learn to see heat lightning and take photos of black to tell a story about place which cannot be put into words. Tonight, I know I can fly. Tonight I smell myself, feel the moths and ants crawling on my skin, sweat, run, jump and pray. Tonight I see the moon in all her glory. Tonight I am infinite and so connected to all that is and has ever existed. Tonight I let myself feel place without seeing the scars. Tonight I take a journey to a land far from home. Tonight I know danger and hope I won’t feel it. Tonight I could jump off this tower and be the happiest I’ve ever been until the second I hit solid ground. Tonight I want to spend hours watching the stars, going back in time to the universe where all of them burned bright. Tonight I feel whole because I am uncivilized.

Tonight, I see the glow of the oil town to the north, and I know why I am fighting.

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