
Birth control: the ultimate preventative medication

I think birth control is a pretty cool, straightforward concept. People have sex. Women have sex. Birth control prevents a whole lot of other health care from being necessary. At best, not using birth control will necessitate emergency contraception. At worst, it will mean an abortion at minimum and nine months of prenatal care, plus a whole new person on your insurance policy if you don't go that route.

So, given that EC costs about $50, an OB-GYN visit about $100, an abortion anywhere from $200-600 and a hospital stay for giving birth can run into the thousands, why the hell doesn't my insurance cover any portion of a diaphragm? Diaphragms cost $60 and last for years. I know women who've used them for several decades happily. They're probably the most cost-effective method of birth control. They're a great health investment from the standpoint of an insurance company.

Just thought I'd put that out there. I'm going to try to find out whether my insurance covers the Pill, EC, Viagra, or abortions. Because if they cover any of those at all, it's ridiculous of them not to cover this.

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