1 Contribute significantly to the victory of my team in a game of Nerf gun capture the flag.
2 Make, from scratch, at least once, edible versions of: cheese, sourdough bread, beer, yogurt, tomato sauce and applesauce.
3 Come up with a bill or general idea for how we should incentivize solar power in Washington, and get in touch with everyone in the state legislature about why it's a good idea.
4 Knit something besides a scarf that looks like someone would actually want to wear it (I'm thinking a hat, though leg warmers are always an option).
5 Become fluent-enoughish in Spanish while in Ecuador.
6 Update the blog at least once a week with some meaningful insights about life, the universe and everything.
7 Exercise at least twice a week, plus go for more walks.
8 Become addicted to one new TV show, author, blog, magazine, board game and hippie food item.
9 Preside over the best damn news section in the history of journalism (at Whitman College, anyway).
10 Make a new friend by ignoring the inner voice of reason telling me to play it safe.
11 Introduce the nerds at Whitman College to Diplomacy, and play at least one complete game.
12 Read some form of news besides Feministing every day (not that reading Feministing isn't totally legit).
13 Make time to hang out with people regularly, even/especially if I have homework I should be doing instead.
14 Read at least one book a month not required for class during school, and at least one per week on breaks.
15 Stay up later, get up earlier, work less at work, work more at life and play more music.
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